Another Death on 71

Sadly, another youth was killed on Sunday on Texas 71 near Bee Creek Road in western Travis County where 10 people have died since October, 2006.  The wreck occurred about half a mile west of the spot where three teenagers were killed in a head-on collision February 16th.

James McDouglad, 50, lost control of his truck and collided head-on with Michelle Kauh’s car, killing the 16 year old who was coming back from work.  The crash is still under investigation, but the weather, which was clear and dry, is not expected to be a factor.

The Texas Department of Transportation announced plans for several safety measures, including enhancing traction on the road and installing warning signs.  The agency will also replace the painted center and shoulder stripes with thermoplastic “rumble” strips which alert drivers when their tires stray from the lane.

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