Handling Your Auto Property Damage Claim
Handling Your Auto Property Damage Claim
In this video, I’ll talk about what your rights and options are in Texas when dealing with the insurance company to repair or replace your car. Many adjusters try to take advantage of either your lack of knowledge when it comes to repairs, or abuse the law when it comes to replacement – watch the video and hopefully, you’ll gain some insight into Texas accident law which may help you deal with the insurance adjusters.
We Provide Our Clients Free Help With Their Car Claim
Please note that we do assist our clients with their property damage claims for free, but we do not take on accident cases where no one was injured. In other words, we cannot assist you with just property damage claims. However, if you were injured in wreck in Austin, Texas, and would also like us to assist with the claim for the damage to your vehicle, we’ll be happy to help.