Raptiva linked to serious side effects

Recent reports show that psoriasis prescription drug Raptiva may be linked to several serious side effects including: Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) Pneumonia with Neutropenia Tuberculous Pneumonia Invasive Fungal Disease Necrotizing Fasciitis Hemolytic Anemia Brain Infection Bacterial Sepsis Viral Meningitis If you or a loved one has taken Raptiva and have any of the above symptoms,…

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Beware of Fosamax

Fosamax (generic name is Alendronate) is a drug used primarily to treat osteoporosis in post menopausal women.  The FDA issued an analysis of Fosamax linking it to a serious bone disease known as osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) or “dead jaw.” Symptoms of osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) include: Loosening of the teeth Severe infections…

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Avandia Warning

The diabetes drug Avandia may be linked to an increased risk of: Stroke Heart Attack Sudden Death A New England Journal of Medicine study revealed that Avandia is associated with an increase in the risk of heart attack. If you or a loved one have suffered stroke, heart attack, or sudden death after using Avandia,…

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Seroquel Linked to Diabetes

Seroquel is a drug used to manage symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar I disorder.  Studies show that Seroquel may be linked to high blood sugar and diabetes.

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Reglan Alert

According to the FDA, Reglan (generic name of Metoclopramide), which is used to treat acid reflux, has been linked to a condition called tardive diskinesia which causes involuntary movements of the mouth (tongue and lip smacking), face, neck and sometimes the arms, trunk, or legs. It can also cause Parkinson’s-like symptoms, Dystonia, Akathisia, Neuroleptic Malignant…

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CDC Reports Emergency Room Waits Getting Longer

Nationwide, more patients are seeking care in fewer ERs. The average time that hospital emergency rooms patients wait to see a doctor has grown from about 38 minutes to almost an hour in the past decade, according to federal statistics released last month. According to the report authored by the federal Centers for Disease Control…

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Hospital CEO accused of billing scam

Don’t blame lawyers for the high costs of medicine, insurance, etc.  Check this story out: A Los Angeles, California hospital CEO was arrested Wednesday for recruiting homeless people as phony patients and billing government programs millions of dollars in unecessary health services.  Hospitals in Los Angeles and Orange counties submitted phony Medicare and MediCal bill…

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Before Kids Get ADHD Drugs Have Their Hearts Checked

Children should be screened for heart problems with an electrocardiogram before taking drugs such as Ritalin to treat hyperactivity and attention-defecit disorder according to the American Heart Association.  Children already on the drugs should also be tested. Stimulants can increase blood pressure and heart rate which for most children isn’t a problem.  But for those…

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Medical doctors beat podiatrists in ankle turf war

The Texas 3rd Court of Appeals, reversing a decision by Travis County District Judge Darlene Byrne, recently sided with the Texas Medical Association in ruling that the state board that licenses podiatrists exceeded its authority when it created a definition of the foot that included the ankle.  The podiatrists plan to appeal the court’s decision….

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