Different deadlines for lawsuits over surgical sponges The Texas Supreme Court said Friday that a San Antonio woman could not sue her doctor over a surgical sponge left inside her body because she waited too long to file suit — even though, she could not have discovered the problem any sooner. The court ruled 9-0…
Athletes, band members, cheerleaders, and other students ages 14 to 18 who take part in strenuous sports can get a free heart screening on Saturday at Heart Hospital of Austin, 3801 N. Lamar Blvd. The screening, from 8 a.m. to noon, is sponsored by the hospital and Championship Hearts, a charity created by Austin Heart,…
In 16 states (Texas is not one of them), drugs now kill more people than auto accidents do, the government said. Experts said the shift reflects two opposite trends: Driving, is becoming safer, and the legal and illegal Use of powerful prescription painkillers is on the rise. Don’t Forget! If you have any questions, you…
Austin police early Tuesday drew the blood of a drunken driving suspect — without a previously required search warrant who was involved in a crash and had an 11-year-old boy in the car. The incident happened 28 minutes after a new law took effect that gives police wider authority in the types of cases in…
A new state law that is going into effect on September 1, 2009, is restricting the use of cell phones in school zones. However, the only way to enforce this new law is by installing signs notifying drivers of the new law because the absence of signs is a defense against prosecution. This law is…
On Monday, August 10, 2009, Luke Anthoney Looshchen caused a three-car accident going eastbound on Highway 29. He was driving on the wrong side of the road when he collided with a jeep and a van which was carrying seven people. Pete Mendez and Paula Martinez were both pronounced dead on the scene, and Crystal…
While it is well known that driving while using cell phones can be dangerous, researchers at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration wanted to conduct a study in 2003 to assess the risk. However, the agency did not approve of the study because they feared it would anger the Congress. Not only that, but senior government…
After GM filed for bankruptcy, they went to court to be granted permission to sell their assets as a whole to a new company. U.S. Judge Robert Gerber approved of GM’s plan saying that it would benefit everyone involved. While many were in favor of this decision, many were not. Those who were injured through faulty…
I am sad to have learned of the passing of the Honorable Judge Scott Ozmun on Friday. Judge Ozmun presided over the 353rd District Court and will be remembered for his intelligence and compassion.